How the Bible Differs Science and Psychology of Dreams

How the Bible differs from Science and Psychology of Dreams

True or False 

        Half asleep and half awake

2 a.   Stage One (N1)

2b.    Deep Sleep

        Stage Three (N3)

2C,  REM Sleep

       Stage Four (R)

 2d   Real Sleep Begins

       Stage Two (N2)

3  In psychology, dream interpretations come from _________.

The soul

4.  In what stage of sleep do the most vivid dreams occur?

Stage Four (REM sleep)

5  Sleep interruptions and deprivation can negatively impact the quality of our dreams

True or false

6  Select all the Scriptures that speak about dreams (Look them up)

Acts 2:17, Daniel 1:17, Matthew 2:13, Numbers 12:6

7.  REM sleep means Random Eye Measurements

False or true

 8  In psychology, a dream is considered resolved when the therapist feels satisfied with the interpretation.

False or true

9  According to psychological theories like Freud and Jung, dreams come from our unconscious mind to help us resolve issues from childhood or to help us through current crises.

True or false

10 Visions can only be seen when we are awake.

False or trueCorrect